Nuts as Folks Nuts as Folks 13 Episodes Origin Country Nigeria Enjoy non-stop excitement in the bustling home of a Nigerian family of five, where feuds and thrilling adventures are the order of the day. Director(s) Owoyemi Michael Actor(s) Essence Uwale Okoro Okechi Enyi Oreoluwa Akinfeso Genres Comedy Nollywood Tags Nigeria Nollywood funny Sitcom Family Season 1 S1E1 - Family Crisis S1E2 - Wedding Bells S1E3 - Therapy S1E4 - Budgeting S1E5 - Bode's Little Secret S1E6 - Boobs Job S1E7 - Aaron Sunday S1E8 - Lola's New Car S1E9 - Ethnic Fight S1E10 - Lola is Having Sex S1E11 - A Professional Liar S1E12 - Bode's Drugs S1E13 - Lola & Bridget in Trouble